Saturday, September 29, 2007

Happy Children's Day 1C!!!!! ^_^

Dear 1C,

Isn't it a great and fun way to celebrate Children's Day in school yesterday? I hope all of you have fun.

We had a wonderful time watching the Children's Day concert, enjoyed lots of snacks, took many pictures and had fun playing with each other.

Below were some of the pictures I took....=p

I hope you enjoy Children's Day to the fullest. Be happy and cheerful always!!! ^_^

Ms Ng

GREEN GROUP: Sybil, Angeline, Weiyuan, Min Ru & Ryan

BLUE GROUP: Amanda, Chloe, Jerry, Klaus & Martin

WHITE GROUP: Charlene, Andrew, Natalie, Keefe & Elijah

GREY GROUP: Darimi, Yi Qun, Yumi, Wen Yi & Nikki

RED GROUP: Elizabeth, Nicholas, Yu Heng, Jerald & Ruth

YELLOW GROUP: Jewel, Jon, Jia Sen, Xing Yi & Yi-Ian


ultrasaurus said...

Dear Ms Ng,

I like the class blog! ^_^"
Thank you for all the photos.
From Ryan

mimi said...

dear Ms NG

It's so cool that i can tell all my indonesia's friends n relatives to log on into this blog and view my photos and my beautiful teacher and my classmates,thanks to you Ms Ng.I'm proud of you
From Nicholas^_^

TNS 1C's World said...

hi ultrasaurus & mimi,

it's a great pleasure that everyone enjoys this blog...will keep it updated as often as possible!! =)